If you go for a personal unique style in your décor, modern art can help give your home a sophisticated aesthetic with a unique touch.
Paintings, sculptures, or perhaps a stool or bowl of art, give the décor life and the feel of something handmade and personal. It can provide a fine balance between the minimalist and streamlined, and the rustic and crooked. The art of the décor creates atmosphere and life.
What style you choose in art is all about personal taste. They say that you are not allowed to buy a painting that fits the sofa, but if you want a beautiful home, the right composition will make both the art and the whole home more beautiful and harmonious. With the right choice of art, the art is highlighted and the home feels more nice to be in. There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeing art in a larger context. It's about the feeling you get when you're in space. Does it feel nice to stay in? and does it feel balanced and beautiful, like a place where you feel like being?
Painting in meeting room
Furnishing of the meeting room with modern art on the wall.
Painting in spacious office
Furnishing of a spacious office with abstract painting.
Painting in lounge area
Lounge area / lobby with art in the interior.
Mural Restaurant Geranium
See more about the projectMural at Odense University Hospital. This is a photo from the entrance area. Murals have also been painted in the living room and in the corridors.
Mural Odense Hospital
See more about the projectMurals at Odense University Hospital. There is a painted mural in the entrance area, corridors and living room.
Wall painting Rigshospitalet
See more about the projectWall painting and acoustic panels with art in the Ronald McDonald House at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen.
Acoustic Art "Rock Solid"
See more about art on acoustic panelsArt printed on sound absorbing boards. This series has been developed for companies. It is available in two colors and consists of 12 motifs that can be mixed as required.
Acoustic art "Botanical"
See more about art on acoustic panelsArt printed on sound absorbing boards. This series has been developed for companies. It is available with a gray background and with colored backgrounds and consists of 4 motifs that can be mixed as needed.
Acoustic art "Waterflow"
See more about art on acoustic panelsWaterflow is a work that can be adapted in size and colour, so that it can fit many places in a company.

Biological art lies on the boundary between art and science. I always had a fascination for biology, and when I was a teenager, I was sure I was going to be a biologist or a doctor. However, I became an artist instead, but my paintings always have a biological theme. The paintings are about micro- and macrobiology – about nature's basic patterns, the flow of water, ramifications, bud shootings, DNA, stem cells and viruses.
I work with both doctors and biologists, who help me get microscope photos to inspire my paintings. My art hangs in many medical clinics, dentists and psychologists, and I have performed great artistic decorations at the pharmaceutical company SaxoSmithKline and at four psychiatric hospitals in Denmark. I am a member of the SciArt Initiative and have exhibited my art at New York Hall and Science.
Art in the workplace
Many workplaces also have an art association in the company. If your workplace has an art association with changing exhibitions, it is possible to have my art exhibited at your workplace.