Danish paintings for sale
All paintings on this page are painted by the Danish artist Rikke Darling. You can read more about the artist behind the paintings here. The paintings are sold both online and from galleries and directly from the artist's studio at Østerbro in Copenhagen . If you find it difficult to buy paintings online, you are always welcome to contact the artist and be guided in the process.
Today, paintings are sold and bought across national borders. Paintings are sold both online, at fairs and galleries. We look wider when looking for the right painting for the home, where before you bought art from the local artists who lived in the same city as you. Although the buying and selling of paintings has become more international, there is still something more local when it comes to taste. Danes still mostly buy art from Danish artists and the primary market for an artist is still the country in which the artist lives. Danish paintings are sold primarily to Danish art buyers and to buyers in neighboring countries. It may be that the Nordic taste in the interior also rubs off on the artist's aesthetics, and therefore Danish paintings suit the Danish way of decorating.
Paintings are sold online
Can you buy a painting online?
You can both buy my paintings online on this page and from my studio at Østerbro in Copenhagen. When I sell paintings, it is important to me that you get to choose the right painting. I have put thought and love into painting my paintings, and it is important that they also end up in homes and businesses where they are appreciated. When you have to buy a painting, it can be difficult to choose the right one - especially when it comes to large paintings . I am happy to help in the process. If you have the opportunity, come by my studio on Østerbro in Copenhagen. I also drive out with paintings in most of the country. I'm always happy to drive around the Copenhagen area with paintings that you can see in your own home. In Funen and Jutland, I don't drive very often, but write to me and I'll be happy to come by you next time I'm going that trip by car. It is completely non-binding, and you have the opportunity to see selected paintings on the wall where the painting will hang. I also sell my paintings online and send by post or carrier. I will pay for the shipping to you in Denmark, but it is important that you get measured on the wall beforehand so that you are not surprised by the size. You can either make a mark with masking tape where the painting will hang on the wall, or you can send me a photo of your living room and I can insert the painting in Photoshop so you get a sense of how it will look on your wall.
Malerier der fx passer flot over en skænk i stuen eller soveværelset.
Maleri i varme farver.
Malerier til salg 70x130 cm
Vandrette malerier, der passer flot til soveværelse eller stue.
Maleri i størrelsen 70x140 cm.
Maleri 110x110 cm.
Kvadratiske malerier .
Malerier til salg 70x130 cm.
Malerier der passer flot over en skænk eller den mindre sofa.
Maleri over sofa
Maleri i rolige jordtoner til den nordiske indretning.
Malerier til salg
Roligt maleri i blå farver i størrelsen 100x150 cm.
Malerier til salg i København
Jeg sælger mine malerier her på siden med gratis fragt i EU. Du er også meget velkommen til at besøge mig i mit Galleri og atelier på Østerbro i København. Her kan du se malerierne og få en snak om kunsten og hvilke malerier der kunne passe hjemme hos dig. Jeg kommer også gerne hjem til dig og fremviser malerier, så du kan prøve kunsten hjemme på din egen væg før du beslutter dig.
What size painting should you buy?
Which size painting you should choose depends on several things. How big is the wall? Is there anything else on the wall already, such as lamps, a tall bookcase or tall plants that visually take up space. Is there furniture in front of the wall, such as a sideboard, sofa or dining table? All that is decisive for what size you should choose when you are out to buy a painting for the wall. If you are in doubt about which size painting will fit your particular wall, write to me with a photo of the wall you have in mind. Feel free to write the width and height of the wall, as well as the size of it, if necessary, on the front. Then I will insert a painting on the computer in the size(s) I think could fit in with you.
Sale of paintings in many sizes
In order for the paintings to look good at exhibitions - and for many other practical reasons, an artist will often select certain standard sizes that are repeated. I have had paintings for many years and my experience is that there are certain sizes of paintings that work for many homes. My paintings in the size 100x150 cm. fits nicely over many sofas, for example. If the sofa/wall is large, or you just want the painting to take up more space on the wall, a painting in the size 110x180 cm can. be the right choice. For above the small sofa or a sideboard, it is often the size 70x130 cm. that fits in nicely. It is also possible to choose a square painting. Especially my smaller works are often square, as it looks nice in many places.
If you dream of buying a painting in a very special size, then you must have a painting painted to order.
Buy art for the home
An original painting is unique. It creates atmosphere and the human craftsmanship, and the soft transitions of the colors bring life and personality into the interior. When you buy art, buy with your heart. Paintings are personal choices, and if you've fallen in love with a painting that doesn't quite fit the decor, you can choose to change the surroundings a bit to make it fit in.
Sale of paintings
Whether you are an art enthusiast, interior designer or artist yourself, my varied selection of paintings for sale will hopefully appeal to your taste and aesthetic.
My paintings range from abstract paintings to contemporary botanical style artworks, each depicting a unique story and feeling. Explore my collection of abstract biological landscapes, with flowers and animals.
My aim is to offer a wide range of paintings to suit the modern home or business. Whether you're looking for a centerpiece of art for your home, office, or a gift for someone special, hopefully there will be art that catches your eye.
Don't forget to explore my gallery regularly as I am constantly updating my collection with new paintings.
Find your next favorite painting today and add artistic beauty to your life!