Yesterday I visited Dagmarsminde, a nursing home for people with severe dementia. I had a chat with the most wonderful people and talked about the importance of the interior design. In a nursing home, the past meets the present, and memories and the currents of time unite. The interior design means a lot to how we thrive, and I am touched that my art now brings nature inside and creates beauty in this warm place . As an artist, it is an honor to contribute something that can make a difference in the everyday lives of the residents, relatives and staff. Art has a unique ability to create connections, awaken memories and promote well-being – especially in environments where presence and security are in focus.

Art in nursing homes
In a nursing home like Dagmarsminde, where many residents live with dementia, art can play a special role. My paintings are inspired by the beauty of nature and its ability to evoke memories and create peace. Nature motifs, such as flowers and botanical elements, can recall childhood memories or awaken recognition – even in those who have difficulty remembering other things. This is not just art for the eye, but art for the mind and soul. Colors vibrate energy and soft abstractions make the eye swim with.
The healing power of nature
Nature motifs have a documented positive effect on people. Research shows that images of the sky, sea, flowers, plants and landscapes can reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm. In nursing homes, these motifs can provide residents with a visual space that reminds them of the garden, forest or flowers of their youth.
It might be a good idea to mix older paintings with modern art, where the past meets the present. Where a bridge is created to memories and security, and at the same time the residents are not kept in the past, but with modern art the interior connects to the present.
My mission is to bring the beauty of nature into spaces where it can make a difference.

Sound-deadening art in nursing homes
In addition to paintings, I also work with botanical prints on acoustic panels , which both create beautiful surroundings and improve the acoustics in the room. In a nursing home, noise can be a big challenge, especially for those who are sensitive to many sounds. Acoustics are especially important in a dementia care home, as dementia sufferers are particularly affected by loud noises that can cause stress. Sound-deadening art helps to create a calmer atmosphere, which reduces stress and promotes well-being – for both residents and staff.
The botanical prints on acoustic panels are created with a focus on:
• To evoke memories of flowers and plants.
• To create an environment that reduces noise and promotes a sense of calm.
• Bringing nature closer, even for those who can't get out into it.
Art as a bridge to memories and conversations
For many nursing home residents, conversations about art are a way to connect and be present. A painting or botanical print can be a conversation starter: “Do you remember the flowers we had in the garden at home?” or “What season does this landscape remind you of?” These small moments of connection are invaluable in everyday life.
If you would like to know more about how my art and sound-deadening solutions can improve everyday life in nursing homes, or if you would like to hear about my botanical prints on acoustic panels, you are always welcome to contact me. Together, let's bring nature and tranquility into more spaces where they can really make a difference.
My art is already in Psychiatric departments at Glostrup Hospital, Hvidovre Hospital, Odense Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Ronald MC Donald House and several nursing homes such as Dagmarsminde, where I have painted paintings, murals and acoustic paintings. See some of the art projects with murals here