Wouldn't it be great to have beautiful art on the wall that also has an acoustic effect? Egg cartons as noise absorbers will probably never be a big interior design trend, but you can also easily get peace of mind and beautiful interior design with art in a combined solution.
Acoustic images
When the art is printed on an acoustic plate, it is called an acoustic picture or acoustic art. An acoustic picture for the wall looks very much like an ordinary work of art. The quality is high, and the print is of very good quality that lasts. You cannot paint directly on an acoustic plate, as it is important that the ink is very thin, because the surface is perforated, which means that the plate is able to absorb the sound. Therefore, an acoustic picture will always be a print and can never be an original painted work.

Acoustic pictures - Acoustic art
Dear child has many names. Acoustic pictures and acoustic art are the same. They are art motifs printed on sound-absorbing panels. Art on acoustic panels will always be printed, as mna uses a particularly thin printing paint on a fabric cloth, so that the sound-absorbing panel behind is not covered by paint. It is important that the panel's ability to absorb sound is not blocked, and ordinary artist's paint will be too thick.
Two new series of acoustic art
I have created two brand new collections of noise-absorbing pictures for the wall.
See how to buy acoustic art here
The series “Botanical” is a fabulation of the old Latin drawings that, before the invention of the camera, were used to map the plant fauna. Here, all parts of the plant were visualized and the Latin name for the plant was written. I have created a modern version, where I know both the root system, bulbs, leaves and flowers, but in an adventurous way put different plants together as one. The series “Botanical” is created with a light warm gray background and with colored backgrounds that match. The motifs can be combined as you wish.
The “Rock Solid” series is a series of art motifs with rocks and birds. There are 12 motifs in the series, as the series is designed to cover a large wall area in a company. If you have a large meeting room with poor acoustics, you can, for example, place eight acoustic images next to each other, which gives a nice and stylish expression to the interior. The “Rock Solid” series is available in two colors – a dusty blue and a warm gray. The series can be put together as you wish, and can also easily look great in a private home with, for example, 2-3 acoustic images.

Unique acoustic art
Although acoustic art is a print, it can easily be unique. If you want a very special image, it is possible to have a personal work or an entire series painted, which is then printed on an acoustic panel. This will be most relevant for companies, as the price of this will be significantly higher. Here, the artwork must be created from scratch and then printed on an acoustic panel. With unique acoustic art, I can create a series that fits perfectly with the company's interior design and brand. You can choose the size and colors yourself. I have an eye for interior design, advise and always enter into a dialogue about wishes. I then make a digital sketch with a fixed price, which must be approved before I start the project.
Sustainable sound insulation with acoustic images
The art can be replaced. The actual image with art is printed on a fabric cloth, which is attached to the acoustic panel. This means that if at some point you want a new motif, the sound-absorbing panel and frame can be reused. You can replace your acoustic motifs yourself as many times as you want. It's quick and easy.
Get the best sound insulation in your home or meeting room
It is the hard surfaces that bounce the sound around. The new buildings with wooden floors, concrete walls and large glass facades make the sound harsh and give a lot of reverberation. If the ceiling is extra high, the problem becomes worse. In private homes, you can also improve the sound with heavy long curtains and thick carpets. The advantage of acoustic art is that they are placed where the sound is bounced around. Placing the sound attenuation at the height where you are speaking gives the greatest effect. More acoustic images increase the effect on the sound. In the company, you rarely have carpets and curtains, so it may be necessary to put up more sound-absorbing images there. That is also why my series "Rock Solid" comes in many variants, so you can maintain a calm and stylish look with many sound-absorbing panels.